Funkció jellemzők:
Metric / Imperial Conversion
Absolute / Incremental Co-ordinates
Power Down Memory
1/2 Centre Find
Pocket Milling
Simple & Smooth Arc Milling
2 Axis Display
Resolution 5 / 1 / 0.5µm
40 pt. error compensation
Linear error compensation
200 Zero position memory
Scientific Calculator
Pitched Circle Diameter PCD
Oblique line of holes
Angle processing
Radius / Diameter
Tool diameter compensation
RS232C compatible
200 tool offset memory
Digital Filter Function
Technikai info:
Console Specification
Unit Size 310 x 192 x 90mm
Large 14mm high LED display
Sealed diaphragm keys
Voltage: AC 85V~240V
Power consumption: 25VA (120mA at 240v)
Working temperature: 0C~45C
Weight: 3.2kg
CE approved
Supplied with Console : Mounting Arm, Drawing /Tool Tray, Fixing Bolts, Cable Clips, Protective Splash Cover, Power Lead and 115 page User Manual