F-Tool beam IF
With the combination of F -Tool beam interfaces, span lengths in 5 mm s teps, from 70 mm to 170 mm can be br idged. The
FT beams can be assembled side ways or lengthwise. At the insertion of the F-Tool basic ruler, the required bridging width
calculates as follows:
Hole distance assembling basic r uler (A) -20 mm -clam ping beam length (L) = IF lengt h total (C)
Example: RFI2050 A 320 -20 -L 220 = C 80 this corresponds the IF length C 1 / 35 mm and C 2 / 45 mm
AQ537L A 470 -20 -L 300 = C 1 50 this corresponds 2 x IF lengt hs C 1 / C 2 = 7 5 mm
AQ537L A 470 -20 -L 380 = C 70 this corresponds 2 x IF lengt hs C 1 / C 2 = 35 mm
FTool beam IF 14/65/85 mm